Why Choose Our Sustar: Advantages of Feed Grade Chromium Propionate

At Sustar, we are proud to be a leading manufacturer of trace mineral feed additives, with an annual production capacity of up to 200,000 tons across our five factories in China. As a FAMI-QS/ISO/GMP certified company, we are committed to producing high-quality products and have established decade-long partnerships with industry leaders such as CP, DSM, Cargill and Nutreco. One of our flagship products is feed grade chromium propionate, which is proven to be highly effective in promoting health and performance in livestock and poultry.

Our feed grade chromium propionate is an organic chromium source with the chemical formula C9H15CrO6. This highly bioavailable mineral feed additive is suitable for pigs, beef, dairy cows and broilers. One of its main advantages is its ability to enhance the effects of insulin and improve glucose utilization in animals. This improves the animal’s energy metabolism and overall health, resulting in improved growth and performance.

The efficacy of our Chromium Propionate feed grade extends to many aspects of livestock and poultry production. It has been shown to increase meat, egg, milk and piglet yields as well as piglet survival rates. In addition, it promotes rapid growth by reducing blood sugar and fat, thereby increasing feed return. By regulating endocrine function and enhancing reproductive performance, our products help improve reproductive outcomes. In addition, it can also improve the carcass quality and lean meat rate of livestock and poultry, reduce stress and enhance immune function.

The benefits of feed grade chromium propionate are clear, making it a valuable addition to any animal nutrition program. By choosing our Sustar products, customers can be assured of high quality, effective mineral feed additives that are backed by extensive research and industry partnerships. Whether you are a livestock or poultry producer looking to improve animal health and performance, or a feed manufacturer looking to enhance the nutritional value of your product, our chromium propionate feed grade is an excellent choice.

In summary, our chromium propionate feed grade offers a range of benefits to livestock and poultry production, from improved growth and performance to enhanced reproductive results and overall health. As a trusted manufacturer with a proven track record in delivering high-quality feed additives, Sustar is the ideal partner for those looking for effective solutions to support animal nutrition. If you are interested in learning more about our products and how they can benefit your operation, please feel free to contact us. We look forward to discussing how our chromium propionate feed grades can meet your specific needs and contribute to the success of your business.


Contact info:
Email: admin@sustarfeed.com
Phone: +86 188 8047 7902
Alibaba website: https://sustarfeed.en.alibaba.com

Post time: Dec-27-2023